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Foods That are Good for Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Mouth

October 26, 2021
Foods That are Good for Maintaining Healthy Teeth and Mouth

Your oral health is very important for total body wellness. That’s why when considering what foods to eat, it’s a great idea to pick choices that are directly good for maintaining healthy teeth and gums. Obviously, this requires staying away from foods that are bad for your teeth. You know, all those sticky candy treats your parents tried to get you away from when you were a kid, right? Well, the same standards should be carried into adulthood, as much as possible. You don’t have to be perfect all the time, but the idea is to aim for optimal eating at least 80 percent, with treats being had in moderation, for 20 percent of your plan.

After all, the right oral hygiene in combination with a proper lifestyle eating plan of healthy foods will set you up for preventing a slew of problems in your mouth, including tooth decay and gum disease. No one wants any of those problems. Let’s look at some of the best foods to eat for maintaining healthy teeth, and why they are so optimal for dental wellness.

Dairy Products

Dairy products are amazing for your teeth due to a variety of reasons. This includes foods like cheese, milk, and yogurt. They encourage your mouth to produce saliva which washes away bacteria and plaque from sticking to your teeth. These categories of dairy foods also contain high levels of calcium that can help keep your teeth strong. Mainly, calcium can strengthen the hard outer part of your tooth structure called the enamel. Having strong enamel is going to help ward off tooth decay in the long run. Your teeth will be fortified from erosion and cavities when you consume lots of calcium-rich dairy products.

Lean Proteins

Another way to keep teeth and gums healthy is by consuming foods that are considered lean proteins. This includes lean beef, turkey, chicken, fish, and tofu. All of these items are rich in phosphorus and protein that will keep your mouth healthy. In looking at fish specifically, like salmon, it also has the added benefit of omega-3 fatty acids which have been linked to lowering the risk of gum disease, according to a study done by the Harvard Medical School for the Journal of Dental Research.

Crisp Fiber Filled Vegetables

All kinds of vegetables are a necessary part of any healthy diet. Look for ones that are crisp and full of fiber. That includes green vegetables like broccoli, leafy greens, and carrots. Plus, munching on crunchy vegetables can help to act as a natural toothbrush for your teeth. The act of chewing massages your gums while you eat things, like celery and peppers, that can wash away plaque and bad bacteria. These are the perfect snacks for healthy between-meal eating that benefit your mouth.

Fruits With Vitamin C

Vitamin C is amazing for gum health. Your teeth are only going to be as healthy as your gums. So, eating foods that are high in vitamin C is the way to go. That includes citrus fruits, berries, and apples. An apple a day may keep the doctor away, but it will also make your dental visits go better. An apple also provides hydration and fiber for your body, which is beneficial for your teeth as well.

Sugar-Free Chewing Gum

Chewing a bit of sugar-free gum after a meal is going to help dislodge food particles that are trapped in your teeth. This is the perfect solution when you can’t brush after a meal when you’re on the go. Pop in a piece of sugar-free gum to stimulate saliva production to cleanse your teeth and prevent tooth decay.

Contact Our Experts For Help with Your Oral Health and Orthodontics Needs

If you have any questions about foods that are great for oral health, let us know when you visit our offices at Advanced Endodontics. We’re more than happy to show you the keys to making sure that your teeth and gums stay healthy and thriving for life.

Our specialty may be root canals, but our overall goal is to give you a smile that you’ll cherish with the best in endodontic dentistry.

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